Friday, October 23, 2009

Summer Livin'

(Picture stolen from here).

It's become difficult lately not to notice the sudden warmth that has swept over the nation. And I don't mean a metaphorical, 'warm & fuzzy' feeling, but rather the actual physical, sweltering, sweat-inducing, heat-rash causing warmth that signifies the beginning of an Australian summer. If last year was anything to go by, this year is likely to be quite a scorcher, and we feel it's our duty to provide some handy hints for surviving the heat.

Here are some of our favourite summer activities, in no particular order. It should also be noted that neither of us particularly enjoys hot weather, and maybe the rest of you are less whingy and restless than we are in the summer. All I know is, without these survival methods, Melissa and I would very likely melt into a pool of hot, irritable, unhappiness.

Here is our imparted wisdom:

1. The Ice-cream Amble

We actually had one of these just yesterday! This activity involves first, buying cheap ice-cream from a supermarket of your choice, and then consuming said ice cream while ambling around outside, in no particular direction. It is imperative to the success of this activity that you *amble* rather than stride. The idea is to revel in a sense of lethargy, that can only really be done in times of hot weather. Plus, as we all know, ice-cream is cold. And cold is goood.

2. Movies

Movie theaters are air-conditioned! Plus, you can eat ice-cream in them! It's the perfect summer outing, with a bout of cultural education and entertainment thrown into the mix. Note, however, that this outing can often backfire, when the air-conditioning becomes too cold, and suddenly you're left yearning for a cardigan. But it can be a nice way to indulge your winter nostalgia!

3. Make Zines

Duh! This tends to take place inside, with a fan pointing in our general direction, to the sounds of boppy girl-rock. And the best thing about making zines in summer? The heat means we're too lazy to do anything other than sit inside and write, so we always have loads of content!

For more exciting (and nerdy) ways to live out your summer, check out Melissa's article in More (or less) Issue 3, soon to available through Little Beats Zine Distro, from itrip iskip.

- Zoya :)

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, we should just write a list containing nothing but activities pertaining to ice-cream.

    1. Amble with ice-cream.

    2. Skip merrily with ice-cream.

    3. Bathe in ice-cream.
